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jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Wrap-up. UNIT 1

 Vocabulary. Point and name the occupations of the people.

  1. a travel agent.
  2. a doctor.
  3. a lawyer.
  4. a pilot.
  5. an architect.
  6. 2 flight attendant
  7. 3 musicians.
Grammar.  Ask and answer questions about the people.

1.- Where they are going to sing?
R.- the City of Angels.

2.- What do you do?
R.- I'm a lawyer.

3.- Dr. happening to me?
R- you have low pressure.

  • Social language.   Create conversations for the people.


    Lesson 3._ Pair Work - Conversation - UNIT 1


    Practice the converasation.
     Use your OWN name in the guide.

                              A: Hello. I'm Yajaira Sanchez .
                              B: Excuse me?
                             A: Yajaira Sanchez.
                             B: How do you spell that?
                             A: S-A-N-C-H-E-Z

    Lesson 2._ Pair Work - Conversation - UNIT 1


    Practice the conversation. Use your own names in the guide.

    A: Excuse me. Are you Ana?
    B: No, I'm not. Im Yajaira. That's Ana.
    A: Where?
    B: Right over there.
    A: Thank you.
    B: You're welcome.

    Lesson 1. Conversation - UNIT 1

                    Talk about what do yo do.

    Model._ Read and listen.
    Man: What do you do?
    Woman: I'm an architect. And you?

    Practice with your partner. Use real information. Use the guide:

                    A:  What do you do?
                    B:  I’m a student. And you?
                    A:  I’m a student too.


    jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011


    En este semestre en mi clase de Ingles nivel 1, espero poder mejorar mi manera de pronuncia el idioma, escribirlo y entenderlo de una manera mas correcta.

    En una entevista de trabajo los hombre deven usa de preferencia camisa de colores neutros sin estampados, pantalo negro de vestir ,su peinado dever ser ordanado, su rostro deve de estar afeitado; Las mujeres deven de vestirse no demaciado llamativas, un falda negra debajo de la rodilla, una blusa de un color neutro como blanco, rosa pastel; los zapatos deven de ser de tancon no muy alto.

    Likes and Dislakes

                                      Likes                              Dislakes
    See                          Movies                                Spiders
    Smell                       Roses                                  Fish
    Eat                          Pozole                                 Sausage
    Listen                      Pop                                     Metal
    Touch                      Rabbits                                Piatti Caldi
    Go                          Vacations                            Mortuary

    My best memory was when I went on vacation for the first time beach wing.
    My worst I remember when my cousins ​​were killed.


    -Cada 3 retardos es una falta.
    -Por 3 faltas se pierde el derecho a parcial.
    -No se deben introducir alimentos ni bebidas al salon.
    -Respertar a nuestros compañeros.

    Lab Logs.

    -To complete 15 squares per week.
    -To take care of computer equipment.
    -To place the chair back in its place.
    -To place the head phone on the right upper corner.
    -To write the used computer number and the complete number after the sign in.

    Inicio de Blog

    Inicie mi blog el dia 20 de agosto de 2011.